Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Want to help to reunite a refugee family?

Last year a team running in the Manchester 10k raised over £1400 for refugee families and we hope that we can do even better this year.
You can read more about the difference this money makes on our website.
If a triathlon seems a bit ambitious don't worry. You can choose from a sprint or super sprint distance or even get together a team of three and do it as a relay.
Super Sprint: 200 metre Swim - 20 km Cycle - 2.5 km Run
Sprint: 500 metre Swim - 20 km Cycle - 5 km Run
Relay: 500 metre Swim - 20km Cycle - 5K Run (One competitor for each leg!)
You can get more information and sign up online or by post here:
Create your online fundraising page here: ordownload a sponsorship form from our website.
If you have any questions you can contact us and we will be happy to help if we can.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Hear from a corporate donor

We have been making donations to the Refugee Welcome Trust over the last year. This was our first significant involvement in corporate giving and we have found the whole experience to be rewarding and worthwhile. As a young company we appreciated the issues facing a new organisation setting itself up in the current financial climate and were happy to support this young charity.
One of the aspects of the work of the Refugee Welcome Trust that appealed to us was their simple and cost efficient way of working. This resonated with our own business practices and we were happy knowing our donation would go directly to the cause and that we were not supporting the administration of the charity itself.
Following our donations we were informed personally about the beneficiaries and the impact of the money we had contributed. In each instance we were able to understand about the family we had helped and in the months after the donation we were kept up to date with their progress and news. This ongoing personal relationship really helped us to feel that our contribution was appreciated, had made a difference and that our money had been well spent.
Andrew Camilleri